Saturday, September 18, 2010

RCT3 Kennywood Videos: Jack Rabbit (Supplemental)

Using my magical powers, I managed to get my hands on a copy of iMovie '09. So my video editing woes have been (somewhat) assuaged! I know you were losing sleep over it, but now you can rest easy. Like the previous versions, iMovie '09 stubbornly flips and mirrors my RCT3 videos on import. But, unlike the previous versions, it also lets me flip and mirror those sumbitches back to normal without taking a hit in picture quality or playback fluidity. So, for now, at least, it'll do.

With these newfound abilities, I should be able to post whatever RCT3 videos I bother to record in their intended form with some rockin' background tune. After my initial problems with my first video, I didn't bother to record any more. But I can remedy that now. At the moment, though, you'll have to settle for my third and finally acceptable video of my Jack Rabbit re-creation. I hope the wait was worth it for you (Hint: it's not).

Up we go. The crisp way. The right way.

Which ride do you want a video of next? Your choices are: Racer, Log Jammer, Thunderbolt, Phantom's Revenge, Skyrocket. Speak now, or I'll have to decide for you.

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