Thursday, September 30, 2010

RCT3: A Few More Pics

Well, I finally got my copy of RCT3: Soaked! the other day. I was kind of secretly hoping that would remedy some of my graphical and technological woes with the game via some magical under-the-hood updates, but that hasn't been the case so far. In fact, the in-game water, for one thing, actually looks worse. Which is a slight problem when the biggest new feature in the expansion pack is the ability to make water parks. Damn. I think I'm just gonna need a new computer for this kind of stuff, and that's all there is to it. Unfortunately, I won't be getting one for at least a few more years. So I'll have to make do with this game-retarded iMac for now. Hey, at least the hard drive hasn't crashed yet.

That being the case, I won't really be able to make any new videos for my current Kennywood re-creation. I guess the only thing left to try is plopping individual rides into mostly empty plots and just adding the scenery in the immediately surrounding areas, hoping to get a good video capture before I end up with too many objects onscreen. Though there's certainly no guarantee that'll work, either. My system might not be able to handle even mid-level graphical settings with any amount of objects onscreen. But I'll see what I can find out with some more experimenting. Even if I'm successful with that, though, I'd pretty much just be doing what I could do far more accurately with a coaster simulator like NoLimits. So it seems the joke's on me.

In any case, my first Kennywood re-creation here is basically defunct as far as sharing goes. So I snapped a few last photos with my added trees and scenery tweaks. Check 'em out below.

Jack Rabbit, Racer, and Log Jammer
Dirt under the very inaccurate Skyrocket
Overhead view of the park
I was also working on a Cedar Point re-creation a while back, but I put that on hold till I got my Kennywood one right. There were so many rides I had to split them across two plots of land, and I never even got to the second one. But since I don't have the technical capabilities to handle Kennywood, I obviously can't hope to take on Cedar Point. Especially since it's SURROUNDED BY WATER. Not gonna work.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that the water park add on was a bust. However, don't let that get you down because Kennywood isn't know for its water attractions. People go for the unique coasters and the twentieth century charm that it still embodies.

  2. Indeed. You actually can make the water look much better (with reflections and such) with the add-on, but only if your computer can handle it. I tried sprucing up those three little pools of water for Kennywood. It worked for one but turned the other two into gray and white rectangles. Not a good sign.

    I might just make the jump to NoLimits and stick with individual coasters. We'll see. Clearly, I have too much time on my hands. :p
