Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well, well, well. I never saw myself as a blogger, but, after some sporadic prodding by people trying to give me career advice and some stumbling onto blog sites like this one, here I am. As an aspiring (see: wannabe) writer, I suppose it can't hurt to post some of my inane ramblings on the interwebs in hopes of getting noticed by someone in a position to make use of (see: pay me for) my talents. Actually, it probably can--and will. Chances are, I'll offend everyone who bothers to read my trash at one point or another, unintentionally or otherwise, and you'll write me off (bad pun intended) for good. So be it. I'm gonna have some fun with this.

All of that does beg the question of what one should blog about. Any little thing that pops into your head? Wouldn't that make this nothing more than a public diary? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that would probably be a bad idea. But this is probably a bad idea to begin with, so screw it.

I'll probably post here when I'm putting off any actual writing, like I'm doing now. Barely into my second screenplay, I keep finding ways to procrastinate. Shame on me.

Speaking of screenplays, a lot of what I'll probably end up writing about on here is movies, since I'm a big movie guy. Right now I feel the need to plug a film I watched the other night, Comedian. It's a documentary chronicling Jerry Seinfeld's return to stand-up after wrapping up The Greatest Show of All-Time and the rise of up-and-comer Orny Adams. It's a must-watch for anyone remotely interested in stand-up comedy, and I'd definitely recommend it to any aspiring or established artists out there. It covers a wide range of the things artists go through: confidence, self-doubt, establishing yourself, reinventing yourself, dealing with failure, dealing with success, and mustering the energy and perseverance to keep honing your craft till you get it right. It's good stuff, Seinfeld's the man, and you should watch it. Twice. A day.

That's about all for now. If anyone's actually reading this and I didn't annoy you enough, I promise I'll try harder the next time. Peace.

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